
Analyze your shrimp at a microscopic level to find abnormal cell structures and foreign bodies


Examining the tissue and cellular structure at a microscopic level to look for abnormal cell structures, cellular organisation and foreign bodies


Genics veterinary pathologists perform detailed examinations of shrimp abnormalities and link their observations to causative agents in the original specimen or animal


Our personnel each hold over 20 years of experience in histological analysis and diagnostics


Accurate histopathology can help farmers mitigate disease risk, boost productivity and maximise farm profits

Take a DeepDive with Genics Histopathology

Histopathology diagnostics is a specialty service that involves examining the tissue and cellular structure at a microscopic level to look for abnormal cell structures, cellular organisation and foreign bodies

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Be Empowered with Data

At Genics service laboratories, accredited Veterinary Pathologists perform detailed examinations looking for such abnormalities and linking their observations to causative agents in the original specimen or animal and in the field.

Our personnel each hold over 20 years of experience in histological analysis and diagnostics. Importantly, histopathology empowers advanced holistic disease investigation and, when used in combination with MultiPath PCR testing or molecular science, delivers an unrivaled investigation service to our clients to pinpoint the true cause of production impacting disease events.

Such investigations further strengthen Genics customised health management programs, and implementation of early warning systems for producers.

Pathogens Magnified

Ultimately, early pathogen detection through a well designed and implemented health management program will mitigate disease risk and maximise your farm profits.

The images of pathogens below such as WSSV (White Spot) and IHHNV (Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus) etc. provide a window into the core health of shrimp. (Images below courtesy of Donald Lightner)

Davidson’s Solution

When using DeepDive Histopathology, you will need to use Davidson’s Solution (DS) as the fixative. If you would like some more background information on this, watch our explanatory video.  

Step 1. Making DS  

Ingredients you will need:  

• Formalin (37-39% solution) 

• Glacial acetic acid 

• 95% Ethanol AR grade 

• Distilled water 

Equipment you will need: 

• Safety glasses 

• Gloves 

• Lab-coat 

• 1L Schott bottle or similar 


Put 220 mL of formalin, 115 mL of glacial acetic acid, 330 mL of 95% ethanol and 335 mL of distilled water into labelled 1L bottle. Invert to mix and store at room temperature. 

Step 2. Method for fixing shrimp where you want the  

head or the whole body in DS 

Equipment you will need: 

• Safety glasses 

• Gloves 

• Lab-coat 

• Paper towel 

• Sharp scissors or scalpel blade 

• Needle (22 to 25 Gauge) 

• Syringe 

• DS 

• Sample bottle/container 


Before you begin, it’s important to assess your goals. Determine if you are just keeping the head [cephalothorax] or whole shrimp. Please contact us at if you require expert advice on what to sample. The focus of fixation is to get as much DS into the shrimp tissue to preserve the tissues as quickly as possible, as it only takes seconds for the organs and tissues to start deteriorating. In total, 0.2 to 10 mL should be injected depending on the size of the shrimp. Typically, this will be approximately 10% in equivalent DS volume to shrimp tissue size. 

Wearing PPE [safety glasses, gloves and lab coat]: 

1. Euthanize shrimp in ice slurry 

2. Remove the tail of the shrimp using scissors or a sharp scalpel 

3. Use a needle and syringe to inject the head with DS in the eye sockets and from the back of the head, ensuring the hepatopancreas receives a substantial amount 

4. Also inject DS into the mouth part area 

5. Cut along the abdominal segments of the tail ensuring you do not cut too deeply into the underlying tissue 

6. Use a needle and syringe to inject the tail all the way along in each segment 

7. Place the shrimp into a labeled sample bottle or container and cover the sample with DS 

8. Store the sample at room temperature for 24 hours (small tissue sections) to 48 hours (large adult shrimp tissue sections).

9. After 24 or 48 hours, depending on tissue size, transfer to 70% laboratory-grade ethanol, where tissue can be stored indefinitely.


Step 3. Shipment to Genics Services Laboratories 

Remove your sample from the ethanol and wrap it in paper towel that has been saturated with 70% ethanol. Place sample in a zip lock bag, and then in a second zip lock bag with a piece of dry paper towel (double packed).  The next step is to complete and submit your sample information and paperwork by email – we have an easy  to follow form here. Once you’ve completed and emailed the paperwork, you’ll need to ship the tissue samples to our ISO17025 certified Genics service laboratories. You can do this via your preferred courier (e.g., DHL, FedEx, etc.)

We’re here to help you every step of the way. Contact us at with any queries you may have. 

Want to know more about DeepDive?

The expert Genics team can answer your questions; we’ll help you find histopathology solutions to meet the needs of your farm

Optimize your shrimp farm operations

DeepDive is part of Genics’ comprehensive shrimp solutions suite, including industry-leading health and productivity management tools

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